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Parents love their children because they are a part of them

Children love their parents because they are there for them when they were most helpless

Siblings learn to love each other as they grow together and share an understanding of loving yet sometimes crazy family

Friends love each other as sometimes our family is not enough and they become our family in need

Couples love each other as sometimes our family is not enough and they become our family in need

People love their God as there is hope that someone will take care of them forever

People love their pets as they know they will never hurt them corrupted by the deceit of the human life

Pets love their master as for him he is the whole world

But have you ever loved someone not defined by any relationship label?

So pure, so blissful that it lights your whole world

Not blighted by any expectations or limitations

Giving, forgiving, patient and full of compassion

Wouldn’t this world be a beautiful place if everyone finds such love in their heart

Published inMy PoemsPersonal Blog

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