There is rarely a case when I DNF a book. But I need to normalize DNFing for me. As a reader who wants to read all the books, I realize that I can read only a finite number in my lifetime. So, I need to be very judicious about the books I pick and the books I finish.
About the book
This book’s purpose is to serve as a guideline for businesses that wish to incorporate more innovation in their products. IDEO is considered one of the most innovative companies in the world. And the writer Tom Kelley is a partner there who takes us inside the life of IDEO and shares the secrets of its success.
My Experience
Talking about this book I can be modest to say this book didn’t resonate with me because I couldn’t relate to the subject. After all, I am not a designer or own a business. But that is a falsehood. I am a developer and I work on so many products and a good design thinking and an innovative spirit are always a plus point in my profession. So, I couldn’t say that this book is not related to me.
I have read so many other non-fiction books which talk about subjects or industries which is quite diverging from my profession. But still, I have found those interesting. I feel that it’s the job of the author to make a book interesting even though the book is going to the readers which is not its direct target audience. And somehow I felt this book to be lacking in that context.
I slogged myself through 100 pages of this book in more than 1 week but after that, I completely struggled to even pick this book. I realized that I am neither learning anything out of it nor getting entertained. And I don’t know what’s the point of reading a book when both the points are not satisfied.
#qotd: Do you DNF a book? What is the last book you DNF’d?
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