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The Sky is Falling: Sidney Sheldon

Plot Overview

Five members of the Winthrop family are dead, in some seemingly different accidents. The family is well-loved for its kindness and charitable nature. After the death of all the living family members, the entire fortune went to charity.

But Dana Evans, a famous TV anchorwoman could not digest this incident as an accident. But her investigations are only leading her to dead ends.

My experience reading it

This is my second book by this author, the first being Are you afraid of the dark? which was an average read for me. And with this book, I am done with this author. The book started very well and seemed quite promising to me in terms of plot and storyline. But soon it has fallen flat. As much as I loved the last book for its fast pace, in this one, I felt like nothing is happening after a point.

A lot of things in the book that was happening were not even related to the main plotline and were not even interesting to read. There seem to be a lot of loose ends for a mystery thriller. Seems like I am not picking the right set of books of this author or maybe this style doesn’t suit me.

Let me know in the comments if you have any recommendation from this author which will change my opinion.

Rating: 3 out of 5.
Published inBooksFiction

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