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The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly: Sun-mi Hwang

This book was initially written in Korean but after a huge hit there, it was translated to English and millions of copies have been sold since then. I picked up this book as part of the book club I am in and I was immediately intrigued. This is a story of a coop chicken named Sprout who as per convention should stay in the coop for her whole life to lay eggs and in the end, she would be either be culled or will be eaten up. That is the typical stereotyped expectation everyone has with a coop chicken.

But Sprout was different. She dreamed of things. To go out of her coop, to be in the yard with other animals, to lay eggs and to hatch them, to become a mother, and most importantly to fly. But what happens when she tried to pursue those dreams. Everyone around her told her that she is a fool and she should go back to the coop. Even she was scared at times. But she carried on and the rest is the story.

I love metaphorical books where deeper life lessons are shared through a simple story. As you might have guessed, Sprout is none other than us, every person who dares to dream something different, who is told by society time and again that they are wrong. Sprout is a representation of every person who is scared to follow their dreams or gets discouraged by the hurdles in the path. But in the end, only those who persist live to tell the tale.

I would be sharing few of the quotes from the book here that I absolutely loved.

When you start dreaming

She has only one wish, to hatch an egg and watch the birth of a chick. It was an ordinary wish, but now she was dying before she could fulfill it.

When you see someone else living your dream

And she’s going to hatch an egg! I want to know what that’s like. I wish I could be just like her.

When society tells you to give up your dream

“But you have your own place. The coop It’s safe there. No matter how brave a hen you are, you can’t keep running away from the weasel”

When you start having self-doubts

For the first time ever, Sprout found herself missing the coop. At least she was able to lay eggs there. Life wouldn’t be so lonely and tedious if she had just behaved like every other hen

Tomorrow morning they would leave again. Why was this her life? Was it because she held out hope?

And, when you find something bigger in life than what you were looking for

Just because you’re the same kind doesn’t mean you’re all one happy family. The important thing is to understand each other. That’s love.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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