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Day 22: The Day In Review

“I will keep constant watch over myself and—most usefully—will put each day up for review. For this is what makes us evil—that none of us looks back upon our own lives. We reflect upon only that which we are about to do. And yet our plans for the future descend from the past.”


I am struggling to start today’s post because as much as I know the benefits of journaling somehow I am not very regular to it. In my previous post, I have talked about morning pages which I have included in my routine for almost more than a month now and I can definitely see its benefits on the overall quality of my life.

But morning pages are a kind of freehand writing tool where you don’t stop to think and reflect. It is a technique of freeing up your mind from the various blocking thoughts and emotions. Here, Seneca is asking us to go a little deeper than the morning pages. As much as it is important to learn new philosophies and strive to be better, it is equally important to reflect on how well we are doing in adopting them in our lives and where are we missing. Without reflection, it is easy to lose track of your goal and we might be sometimes blindsided by our negative sides.

As I feel this blog in itself a kind of public journal to me because I believe I am being very honest and very open in sharing what I feel here. Yes, I do omit some personal information because of course, one needs to have some boundaries when it comes to sharing things on the internet. But I really do look forward to writing a daily post here every day. I know that not a lot of people read my posts but honestly it doesn’t matter to me. Writing here every day is a kind of therapy for me.

I do however plan to start a daily personal journal where I can reflect on my day and write about those things too which are omitted here. As I have read somewhere ‘Writing forms a bridge between your conscious and subconscious mind’. So, it’s a good idea to write down things at the end of the day which you want to imprint in your subconscious.

Let me know in comments if you do journaling and if you have tips to be regular at it.

Published inPhilosophy & IdeasStoicism

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