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The Lost Symbol: Dan Brown

“To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books.”

Plot Overview

The brotherhood of Freemasons has protected a secret for hundreds of years but now someone has kidnapped Peter Solomon, a mason who has received the highest degree in brotherhood. Robert Langon is a Harvard symbologist and also a mentee of Peter Solomon and his only way to save Peter is by unveiling this secret.

My Experience

Reading Dan Brown is always a nostalgic experience. I think Inferno was my first big book reading experience and my first introduction to the world of mystery thrillers. I remember how easily I glided through the book, wanting even more.

This book has all the Dan Brown elements. The unveil of mystery in layers, the mix of history and myths, a secret which can cause a major upheaval in the world if released, and of course Robert Langdon. The book has hooked me the right amount and I basically binge-read the book in 3 days. I loved solving the puzzles with Robert Langdon. But I missed the traditional Rome and Vatican setup which is present in almost all his books.

But even though the book was hooking and page-turning, it was a little too predictable for me. Maybe it was because I have mostly read all of Dan Brown’s books except Origin and Deception Point. I feel that the writing style, narrative, and storyline are almost similar in all his books, only the mystery and location are changed. I think now it’s time for me to let go of this author.

In addition to this, the author’s attempt to link the law of attraction with science and mysticism really irked me. And like Robert Langdon, I will always be sceptic of these ideas and concepts.


If you are new to the world of mystery and thriller, then Dan Brown will take you an amazing ride. You might enjoy this book if you love solving puzzles. And also if you love Dan Brown’s reading style.

Published inBooksFiction

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