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Are You Afraid of the Dark? : Sidney Sheldon

Plot Overview

Four people have died in 4 different parts of the world, in 4 different accidents. But all of them seem to be linked in some or the other way to an international Think Tank headed by Tanner Kingsley. Two women, widows of the two dead, Diane Stevens and Kelly Harris, run into each other in New York when they both came to meet Tanner Kingsley. But soon they found themselves in the run to save from sudden murderous attacks.

My Experience reading it

This is my first book by Sidney Sheldon. I have heard that he is well-loved by the fans of thriller and mystery genres. So, when I saw his books when visiting an old book shop, I picked 2 of them to try for myself.

Now, I had a very average reading experience with this book. I somehow don’t like when authors try to mix genres without doing much research. In this book, the author has tried to mix science fiction and thriller. But the technologies and advancements introduced in the book seem to be half-baked and totally not convincible.

The plotline was a little too predictable. There wasn’t any thrill in the thriller. It was just two women escaping murder attempts by a powerful and technologically advanced enemy based on their wit and sometimes luck.

The only good thing was that the story was fast-paced and hence it was not dragged. And even before I realized that there isn’t much in the book it was over.


I still have one more book on my shelf, and I will give this author another chance. Please do recommend any of his favorites if you have read this author.

Published inBooksFiction

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