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Dragonfly in Amber : Diana Gabaldon

Dragonfly in Amber is the second book in the Outlander series which is a multi-genre series by Diana Gabaldon. The first one is Outlander and that is already reviewed earlier on the blog. And if you have read it you must know that how much I loved that one. So, I picked this book too with high hopes and I loved it yet again. Shortly speaking this has become one of my favorite series of all times.

The book starts in 1968 when Claire Fraser returned to Scotland with her daughter Brianna after the death of Frank. Now if you have just finished Book 1 and haven’t watched the series it would really be a page-turner for you to find out what exactly happened. [Spoiler ahead for Book#1] In book 1, the book ended at the point where both Claire and Fraser took fugitive in France escaping from English prison and are trying to stop the Jacobite rebellion. We found out that Claire is pregnant in the last chapter. So, when the book starts in the 20th century, you keep wondering why Claire left Jamie and what happened when she returned to her time.

The book starts with the fact that Brianna is unaware of her real father for all these years and Claire has bought her to Scotland to finally tell her about him. And like any normal person would do, Brianna couldn’t digest all the story of time-travel and stuff. The story then dives back to the 18th century to tell us what actually happened, how they tried infiltrating and sabotaging the rebellion, and if they succeeded or not, or most importantly has Jamie died or is still alive.

My experience

This book is very close to my heart for so many personal reasons. It took almost 6 months to finish this book and at that time of reading it so many things were happening in my life. So, by the time I finished this book, I felt like I finally finished a chapter of my life too.

This book has soothed me at times when I was lonely pulling me into the fantasy world of 18th-century romance and hence I think I would be always partial to review this book. But even if I ignore those aspects of my reading experience this is still an amazing book.

I have become a fan of Diana’s writing style. All the books in the series are lengthy but I don’t want it any other way. Even though the book is lengthy I find it fast-paced. And I feel each chapter of the book adds something to the story and hence diving through all these pages is a pleasure for all the readers rather than a load.

As compared to the first book, the instance of time travel has increased in this book, but somehow Diana has made it convincible and it doesn’t seem forced.

I said it in my previous review too and I am saying it again. I highly highly recommend it. I feel there is something for everyone in this book, whether you love fantasy, romance, historical, or science fiction. The book is written in a stand-alone way and hence can be read independently but I would urge you to read Book 1 first if you really want to devour the experience

Rating: 5 out of 5.
Published inBooksFiction

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