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My June TBR

I am 6 days late to post this blog but nevertheless better late than never. This is the first time I am posting any TBR blog. Usually, I pick up the book which comes up next in my mind after finishing one book but I believe even though there are slight deviations from the plan it is good to plan ahead.

So, below are the books I plan to read this month:

  1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
    I have been reading Harry Potter series for the first time. Though I was taking is slow at my own pace but in the event of 20th anniversary of the first edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, there is one #tllhpreadathon organized on Instagram by The Lit Lodge. This readathon started on 1st June and ending on 31st August is for reading the complete Harry Potter series and various quizzes and contests are being organized there. Though I have already completed this book but I thought of including it here since I read it in June.
  2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling
    This book also I am reading as a part of #tllreadathon
  3. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
    Another book from Harry Potter series. So basically, I am planning to finish 3 books this month and the remaining two books of the series in August
  4. A Clash of King by George R. R. Martin
    I have started so many series but haven’t finished any. So, this year I thought of finishing off all my incomplete series and trilogies. This is the second book of A Song of Ice and Fire Series and I really enjoyed the first book The Game of Thrones. I hope to finish this book this month.
  5. The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri

    So there are too many YA fiction in my June TBR. So, I picked up some different genre. This is well-known title by Jhumpa Lahiri, winner of the Pulitzer Prize. The story is set up in Calcutta in the 1960’s when it was torn by Naxalites revolution. This is a story of two brothers, who are inseparable often mistaken for the other but quite different in nature. One brother, Udhyan is inclined toward politics while another one, Subhash went to America for studies. But due to some conditions at home, Subhash need to come back home. I am already half through this book and I am really enjoying it. I will post my review once I will complete it.
  6. One book by Agatha Christie
    I have read only one book by Agatha Christie acclaimed to the Queen to mysteries and really wish to read more. So, I thought I will read one book from Agatha Christie each month. I haven’t decided which one that would be, so I am open to recommendations.  ðŸ™‚

Please do share me your list which you are planning to read in the comments below or any thoughts on the above books if you have ready any. I am open to discussions.

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